WD 5. HTMLBody_Para&HeadingTags
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>Heading, Paragarph and Emmet</title>
<p>This is Harry</p>
<!-- "lorem4" for dummy text with 4 words, and "lorem40" for 40 words -->
<!-- and "strong" and "b" and "em" and "i" both are same respectively-->
<!-- but instead of using "b" and "i" it's better to use "strong" and "em"-->
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur <strong>This is Strong</strong> adipisicing elit. At a necessitatibus iusto <em>This is Emphasized</em> ab eligendi voluptatum autem odio aut office <b>Bold is here</b>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. <i>Italic is here</i> officia aliquam?</p>
<!-- p*4 -->
<p>first <br>this is a new line
<!-- "hr" is used to insert a line -->
<p>This is a paragraph</p>
<!-- #Shortcut Keys -->
<!-- 1. (ctrl + /) for comment -->
<!-- 2. (ctrl + d) for print same line again and again -->
<!-- 3. (alt + z) for large line divide into no. of parts,without using mouse -->
<!-- 4. (ctrl + enter) for jumping in next line, without using mouse -->
<!-- 5. (alt + keep to mouse to those place where u have to add something, we can make changes in more then parts at once -->
<!-- -->
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